Title: The Overnighters
Country: US
Rating: 9.5
The best
documentary I saw at the festival, or anywhere else this year, comes from a rather
unlikely place: Williston, North Dakota. There thousands of diverse, desperate,
often brave and frequently troubled men have descended from all over the world
to make their fortunes, and very often risk their lives, in the booming gas and
oil extraction industry. But the small
rather rigidly conservative community isn’t exactly pleased with the inbound
hoards, an iterant population whose legacy is environmental degradation,
escalating crime rates and an insuperable housing crisis.
But local pastor
Jay Reinke takes pity on these strangers, inviting them to sleep in his church,
eat at his table and find consolation in his ministry. He calls them the
overnighters. So many flock to his building that they have to sleep in their
cars in the parking lot. His church’s regular members are, unsurprisingly,
overwhelming against his Christian charity and want nothing to do with these
men, who they regard as trash at best and criminals at worst. In truth, many of
them do have police records, but Reinke believes in giving them a second chance
and points out that sinners are those who need saving most. When he finds out
that an unregistered sex offender is staying in the church he realizes that he
could lose his job, and makes the tough call to move the man into his own home
(after a family meeting with his wife and daughters), rather than risk the bad
press rebounding on the church itself.
The film also
follows several of the men. Reinke’s ex-convict right-hand man who finds new
purpose in administering the overnighters program. A young guy, the first to
leave his home town, who is rapidly promoted to supervisor because of his hard
work and reliability. A man who leave his wife and kid in Kentucky and builds
his own house from scratch in preparation for their reunion. And many of the
overnighters who, after years of neglect, suspicion and rejection, find comfort
and understanding.
But it all
crumbles to dust. There are few happy endings in Williston. This is a
heartbreaking film, where you see the incredible possibilities of providing
hope but also the rarely shown pain of taking it away. Reinke, reflecting in
hindsight on his personal and vocational failings, ends by dubbing his
overnighters ‘broken men’ and considering himself the most broken of all. I
have rarely been so devastated as I was watching his good works come undone.
I will mention that
I have a fleeting connection to Williston. I few years back I lived in Rock
Springs, WY, for reasons associated with the natural gas boom, and pretty much
hated my life. When the vagaries of the industry took me to Williston, I
remember thinking that this was a place even worse off, and that’s saying
something. Watching The Overnighters made me ashamed that my reaction to the
misery and exploitation (both human and environmental) that I saw was so
self-interested; I just wanted to leave, to get away. A man like Jay Reinke,
even with all his not-inconsiderable flaws, tried to do a whole lot more.
In The Overnighters documentarist Jesse Moss found his story and pursued it with remarkable empathy, all in the best traditions of the genre.
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